Information from: Oregon Deparment of Environmental Quality
The 2009 Oregon Legislature signedSenate Bill 102into law requiring the removal of any uncertified woodstove from a home when it is sold. This bill is part of a program to help protect Oregonians from uncontrolled wood smoke. Residential wood burning is a significant source of air pollution, including fine particulate and air toxics.
Beginning August 1, 2010, if you are selling a home with an uncertified woodstove, you will be required to remove this device from the home.
Residents ofDeschutes County,Jackson County, Klamath County, the town ofLakeview, and the cities ofBendandMedfordcurrently have regulations that require homeowners to remove a non-certified solid fuel heating device when a home is sold. If you are a resident of these areas, please check with your local agency to determine what requirements apply to you.