The GasCo Building: See it before it’s gone, better yet Save It!

Photo by: Jody Miller

 The GasCo Building is but a shell of it's former glory 
 sitting along Hwy 30 surrounded by more modest industrial
 It stands out, it's hard to miss and it's presents is a 
 reminder of Portlands past.
 There is so little time left to save it but it's worth a 
 try.  Find out more by clicking the link.

Photo by: Jody Miller
"Friends of the GasCo is a multi-generational grassroots preservation group that is seeking alternatives
to the demolition of the 1913 Portland Gas and Coke Building located in Portland, Oregon.
The Gas and Coke building or GasCo, was constructed in 1913 by Portland Gas and Coke as part of an coal 
and oil gasification plant. Today the building is owned by its successor Northwest Natural Gas (NWNG) and
recently NWNG had planned to demolish the building. The Friends of the GasCo was formed and are currently
in negotiations with NWNG to preserve the building in place with funds raised by 
The Friends of Portland GasCo."
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